The Utah County Jail recently began using a new program to help inmates break the cycle of addiction and recidivism (the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend.)
The new program / treatment is called the ChainBreakers program, which works with inmates to show them a new path to life. It works to inspire inmates to change their lives and patterns to prevent addiction and ending up back in jail.
This program has helped several Utah County Jail inmates to plan a new path to life and to break free from their addiction.
When asked by the Daily Herald, Chief Deputy Darin Durfey with the Utah County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Bureau said the program came out of discussions about how to better serve inmates and help them break the cycles of repetitiously coming through jail.
“We get sick and tired of seeing people get out of jail, overdose and die. … Our objective should be to make sure that doesn’t happen,” he said.
Part of the ChainBreakers program requires the inmate to actively attend a spiritual or religious program. The program also connects the inmate with community, groups, and other resources such as mentors.
Durfey, also had this to say to the Daily Herald.
“All these guys are our neighbors, and when they get out of jail they’re your neighbor, my neighbor, someone else’s neighbor,” he said. “You want them to return and be a productive member of society and I know they want that too. The objective is hopefully to give them the tools and the resources they need to make that effective change and be more productive.”
“That’s not to say that everyone is going to be successful,” he said. “There will be people that come back to jail, but hopefully at some point we’ve done enough to give them that ability to make that change.”
The ChainBreakers program for now has only worked with female inmates, but is going to start working with male inmates as well.
If you do find yourself locked up in Utah County Jail or any other jail in the state of Utah be sure to call Lucky Bail Bonds for the quickest Bail Bonds service in Utah. We will get you or your loved one out of jail in no time.